Not all students are suited to the boarding environment or attending a large urban high school. Students need to have certain skills and behaviours to be accepted into Wiltja Anangu Secondary College and to experience ongoing success. Discussions with family members or teachers, application forms and Transition visits aim to determine if a student has the required:
Some essentials questions to ask before considering Wiltja as an option for a student:
Things that will help students to be successful at Wiltja.
Before coming to Wiltja, students must have the following:
- academic skills and learning behaviours to engage in schooling
- social skills to live in a boarding environment and interact appropriately with a range of people
- personal skills to manage their day-to-day organisation
- emotional management to respond appropriately in various situations
Some essentials questions to ask before considering Wiltja as an option for a student:
- Does the student want to come to Wiltja? Why?
- Is the family supportive of the student coming to Wiltja?
- Does the student have the social skills to live and study with other Wiltja students 24 hours a day?
- Do they have the emotional resilience to live away from family for an extended time?
Things that will help students to be successful at Wiltja.
- Regular attendance at their previous school
- Regular contact from family members to encourage the student and help reduce homesickness
- Support from home community schools in preparing students for their journey to Wiltja and facilitating ongoing contact and encouragement from families
Before coming to Wiltja, students must have the following:
- Abstudy approval
- all relevant forms completed (see forms page)